What Nature Play Is & Why It Matters 💕

Have you noticed that ‘nature play’ has become a bit of a buzz word lately? If you’ve noticed people raving about it and wondered what that’s all about (or perhaps thought ‘isn’t it just playing outside!?’) then this week’s episode is for you!

This week, Jacquie is talking all about Nature Play and covers:

- what it is

- why it’s become such a popular topic of conversation in childcare/ parenting circles

- what ‘nature-deficit disorder’ is

- the incredible benefits of nature play, and

- some simple suggestions on how you to access them

An episode that will leave you wanting to grab your gumboots & get outside!

For 20% off The KPC Sleep & Toddler Programs use the code KPCPODCAST20

Do you have a parenting topic that you want us to cover in an upcoming episode?

If you do, please leave a comment and let us know!